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August 14, 2007


Steg (dos iz nit der šteg)

great idea, thanks for pointing this out.

the צלע "rib" translation has always bothered me, too.


I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.


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Thanks so much for posting the link to that great tutorial. I had good fun this afternoon making a basket and, like an earlier commenter, can say that the slightest difference in square size makes a basket of rather different proportions. I'll follow the instructions *to the letter* next time!



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You write well will be waiting for your new publications.


Hi, I congratulate you on Merry Christmas!


With the new 2011. Year! Congratulations.


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!


Interesting site, always a new topic .. good luck in the new 2011. Happy New Year!


Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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